

New State Law Could Help Young Trafficking Victims Being Forced to Abort

By Sandy Cunningham, LARTL Communications Director A girl – we’ll call her Jane – was forced into the sex trade then forced to have an abortion by her older “boyfriend.” “Nobody asked me if I wanted the abortion. It was one thing to be forced to have sex, but when I was forced to kill…

Grab Your Pro-Life Sign!

Will you display this sign?  Click Here to Order for Free! Spread the Pro-Life Message During 40 Days for Life  Display a Sign in Your Yard!      Louisiana Right to Life is offering pink pro-life yard signs free of charge for Louisiana residents to spread the pro-life message in their own yards during the 40 Days for Life…

One Young Man’s Journey to Where Life Began

Adoption Documentary’s Trailer Has Been Released  ‘I Lived on Parker Avenue’ Screened; Film to Be Publicly Released in March  David Scotton was adopted at birth and raised in Louisiana. While a college student at LSU, he decided he was ready to meet his birth parents. His journey was documented by New Orleans-based director Philip Braun III, and…