Andy and Nathalie’s Adoption Story

Andy and I are happy to share our testimonial, this story is as much about our journey as it is about 2 women, who bravely chose to turn abortion into adoption. Andy and I celebrated our 16 year anniversary last month.  Before we were married, we had agreed on our desire to have children and to…

Dr. Shannon Simons Wild’s Adoption Story

  My husband and I always knew we wanted children after we got married and trusted God would not give us more than wecould handle.  My trust in God, however, would waiver at times.  We were practicing Natural Family Planning (NFP) and most couples we knew practicing NFP had very large families and were homeschoolers….

Amelia and Sean’s Adoption Story

As a young woman, my faith was strong. I was a Eucharistic Minister, attended World Youth Day in Canada, and was a member of my high school Pro-Life Club to name a few examples.  While my faith has gone through its peaks and valleys, my feelings about abortion have never wavered. I have always felt so…

California Promoting Suicide for the Sick

By Kandace Landreneau, Louisiana Right to Life College Director The Los Angeles Times recently published an opinion column arguing that physician assisted suicide should be legalized throughout the country and expanded to allow for patients with degenerative diseases, chronic pain and Alzheimer’s to utilize the deadly prescription. In my view, this article conjures more emotion…

Mother Teresa to Pro-Life Advocates: Make One Strong Resolution, Protect Life, Don’t Forget the Little Ones

By Sarah Zagorski Today in 1985, Mother Teresa delivered a speech at the National Right to Life Convention urging wholehearted devotion to the “little ones,” that is the victims of abortion and noted that the poverty they experience is unique and unlike any other. She said, “I think the little unborn child is the poorest…