Speaking and Presentations

Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker
For Your School, Group or Church?
Contact Louisiana Right to Life today!






Contact Louisiana Right to Life today! We want to help you educate the people of Louisiana on life issues. Contact us, and we can provide one of our top-notch speakers or help find the right speaker for you. Our presentations can be formatted for any forum, including a banquet, classroom, church service, rally, or more.

Topics Covered Include:

Contact us for more information at 1-866-463-5433 or info@prolifelouisiana.org.

Educational Presentations

Pro-Life Persuasion: Saving Lives with Your Words

Available in both a 1-hour introductional presentation and longer more in-depth workshop complete with textbook, our Pro-Life Persuasion events will equip your group to be confident and persuasive communicators of the message of life.


Abortion 101: Busting the Myths of the Culture of Death


An introductory presentation, Abortion 101 sweeps away any ignorance and conveys the truth of our society’s greatest injustice, abortion.



 The World of Stem Cell Research: Finding Cures and Protecting Life


Amid much confusion in our society regarding stem cell research, this presentation debunks media myths and presents the scientific truth of all forms of stem cell research.


The Danger of Euthanasia in Universal Healthcare Rationing


Looking at end of life issues, this presentation shows how healthcare rationing causes is a great threat to the lives of the infirmed and elderly.


How You Began: A Look at PreNatal Development


Especially great for grade-schoolers, this presentation not only provides a look at how human develop, but why external differences of human beings don’t change human value.