Become a Luminary Monthly Member!




By becoming a Luminary Monthly Member, you spark Louisiana Right to Life’s mission to light the way to a COMPLETELY pro-life Louisiana! Your monthly recurring support provides sustainability and allows us to spend more time engaging in our mission!

Your contributions to the Louisiana Right to Life Federation Inc enable us to defend life across Louisiana through legislation, education, service, activism, and voter education.  Because you are donating to our most effective fund, donations are not tax-deductible, but they are confidential. If you want your membership to be tax-deductible, click here.

As a Luminary Monthly Member you will receive The Luminary, Louisiana Right to Life’s full-color tabloid publication mailed to your home three times a year, as well as a special “I Stand for Life” car decal and magnet. Several membership levels are available for individuals as well as organizations.

Will you be the next Luminary Monthly Member? Join Now!

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To become a Luminary Monthly Member, please select “Show my support by making this a recurring donation.”