#SaveMyHyde! Save the Hyde Amendment!

Sign the Petition to Congressman Troy Carter
Asking Him to Save the Hyde Amendment!


Take Action! Help Save the Hyde Amendment!

Read National Right to Life Update on Hyde Amendment!

We must save the Hyde Amendment and STOP federal taxpayer funding of abortion!

In 1976, just three years after Roe v. Wade, the Hyde Amendment was first added to appropriations to prohibit federal funds from paying for elective abortions. This was in response to the government’s funding of hundreds of thousands of abortions each year since Roe. The Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment, ruling that the legality of abortion did not obligate the funding of abortion. To date, the Hyde Amendment has saved over 2.4 million lives and protects federal taxpayers from being involved in abortion. But President Biden and his Administration is now departing from this status quo protection, and on May 28, 2021, President Biden’s Budget was released without the Hyde Amendment.

Recently, Congress voted to not have the Hyde Amendment attached to the most recent COVID relief bill, allowing millions of dollars to fund Planned Parenthood and abortion. Now, President Biden is eliminating the Hyde Amendment from his budget. 62 pro-life leaders from national and state organizations sent a letter to congressional leadership today urging them to fight for the Hyde Amendment and other similar longstanding pro-life riders to be included in the budget.

Join the national #SaveMyHyde effort…

to make it clear to our legislators and our communities that the Hyde Amendment must remain!

Here’s what you can do to #SaveMyHyde:

  1. Gather a copy of your child’s ultrasound photo and a current picture of your child to mail or email your US Representatives, Senators, and President Biden. If you’re comfortable, include their first name with the photos along with the ages the photos were taken. We need to prove that Hyde saves REAL HUMAN lives!
  2. Add a short note, starting with “#SaveMyHyde” and expressing that you will NOT support the aborting of innocent lives in the womb and that the Hyde Amendment should continue to be included for the protection of you, the taxpayer. Sign it clearly if mailing.

Find Your Congressmen and Senators Here

Mail to: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

       3. If you are able and comfortable, please also post your pictures and note to your social media platforms including the hashtags, #SavyMyHyde and #SaveHyde, and this website ProLifeLouisiana.org/hyde so that your community can become more aware and active as well! We would love for you to tag us! @LaRighttoLife

       4. You can also send an automated email to President Biden and your Senators and Representative through our Louisiana Right to Life email system.  Click here to take action!

Here are a few other images to use as well if you don’t want to post a picture of your children:

Thank you for helping us to save lives!