National Pro-Life Youth Leaders Attend National Right to Life Academy
Last week, National Right to Life held their annual Academy for college students and pro-life professionals in Virginia. Harlee Barbier, College Director, and Hannah Guilliam, Acadiana Youth Programs Director had the opportunity to join students from North Carolina, Virginia, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and Colorado. While there, attendees had the chance to hear from numerous speakers on Biology, Ethics, Disability Awareness, Social Media Activism, Legislation, Euthanasia and more. The educational materials were very well rounded, and helped to capitalize on the basis of their Pro-life education.
They described the experience as being impactful, and an opportunity for them to grow in newfound education.
Left: Acadiana Youth Director, Hannah Guilliam Right: College Director, Harlee Barbier
It also allowed them the opportunity to learn more about the experience others in the movement face in their different states. They were able to build amazing connections that will surely last far beyond the classroom. A bond was certainly shared under the common goal of advancing the pro-life mission. The city’s atmosphere was the perfect setting for such an amazing experience.
As our team reflects on their time at the National Right to Life Academy, they are filled with true joy and gratitude for the experience. The connections and knowledge they received inspired them to be even more appreciative for the great state of Louisiana, but also ignited a spark to continue to fight the for the right to life. It truly brought hope to be surrounded by so many other young people who feel passionate about lighting the way to a Pro-life Louisiana and USA. Together, we can make brighter communities, and lay a foundation for future generations to build upon.