LOUISIANA RIGHT TO LIFE is the leading PREAUX LIFE voice in Louisiana, defending life since its founding in 1970!
Since 1973, more than 500,000 Louisiana babies have been aborted, and we mourn for their lives. Their witness motivates us every day to protect every human life.
Louisiana is a pro-life state, but we must work until every life is protected by law and welcomed with love. YOUR SUPPORT AND ACTION IS NEEDED TO CONTINUE OUR LIFE-SAVING WORK!
Through our leadership since 1970, babies are now protected in Louisiana from abortion! Whether in classrooms, in the halls of the Legislature, or anywhere else in Louisiana, we strive to advance a culture of life. We must continue to keep Louisiana pro-life, protect life, help moms, and promote adoption!
From U.S. Majority Leader Steve Scalise
“Louisiana Right to Life has been instrumental in advancing the pro-life message while fighting to protect the lives of the unborn. I am honored to work together with Louisiana Right to Life as we continue this vital crusade in the years ahead.”
Louisiana is often ranked as the most pro-life state in America because of Louisiana Right to Life’s leadership at the State Capitol. Since 1970, we have represented you and, most importantly, all unborn babies and their mothers, passing well over 60 pro-life laws!
Here’s some highlights:
- Reaffirmation of the Human Life Protection Act (2022)
- Unborn Child Heartbeat Protection Act (2019)
- Adoption Option Act (2018)
- Human Life Protection Act, which will make abortion illegal when Roe v. Wade is overturned. (2006)
- Prohibition on Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia (1995)
- Woman’s Right to Know & Ultrasound Laws (1994 & 2010)
In 2020, we led the campaign to pass the Love Life Constitutional Amendment, which received 62 percent of the vote and garnered more
votes in support than any other ballot measure or candidate in Louisiana history.
“It was great having you here talking to our class. You were a great inspiration to me. At the beginning of your speech, I wasn’t sure if I was pro-life, but after you talked,I completely disagree with abortions and think it should be stopped all together.” — Female High School Student at Cabrini New Orleans
We change hearts and minds by educating all citizens on the reality of abortion and other life issues. Our programs below engage youth and adult audiences.
EQUIPPING THE YOUTH TO BE LEADERS: Since 2008, we have educated over 70,000 young people in-person with the pro-life message!
- PULSE Student Leadership Training Initiatives
- Louisiana Colleges and Universities Students for Life
- Geaux Forth Rally in Washington, D.C.
- Active on Social Media to Change Hearts and Minds
- Fostering Youth Initiatives in other States
- Radio, TV, Billboard, and Internet Advertising
- Speakers Bureau, Seminars, and Conferences
- Black Advocates for Life
- Center for Medical Ethics
- E-Newsletters and the Luminary
- “I Lived on Parker Avenue” Adoption Documentary
Service to families and pregnancy centers providing direct assistance to mothers is essential to our mission.
- At the Capitol, we advocate for state funding for pregnancy resources centers that help moms and babies before and after birth!
- We administer the grant program associated with the state’s official CHOOSE LIFE LICENSE PLATE program. Since 2003, over $500,000 has been donated to agencies helping moms considering adoption for their babies!
- Our ADVERTISE FOR LIFE INITIATIVE uses targeted online ads to reach abortion-minded women and encourage them to visit a pregnancy center.
- DIAPER DRIVES collect and give away needed baby supplies to families in need!
- Exposing and stopping abortion expansion, whether at Planned Parenthood or other abortion businesses.
- Uniting thousands of pro-lifers through the Louisiana Life March events held in every corner of the state.
- Encouraging and assisting with community-based efforts through chapters and pro-life captains.
- Saving babies during 40 Days for Life campaigns.