

Unthinkable at Notre Dame Seminary!

Unthinkable Screening at Notre Dame Seminary

Nearly two hundred people gave up their Saturday evening before the Superbowl to learn about the devastating effects of the abortion industry. On February 8th, pro-life people from across the New Orleans metro area gathered into the Schulte Auditorium at Notre Dam Seminary for an educational screening of the pro-life film Unthinkable.

This film uncovered the cause and effect relationship between the abortion industry’s pattern of preying on people who are in crisis and vulnerable to pit them against their children, allowing for abortion. The powerful stories and imagery provided by the film allowed people from across generations to be moved and motivated to action.

Unthinkable follows the journey of people who were previously  employed by the abortion industry, received healing, and are now pro-life. These whistleblowers recount how the facilities they worked at put women’s lives at risk by ignoring safety standards, failing to keep needed emergency supplies, and neglecting to call emergency services when an abortion went severely wrong. In some cases, this resulted in the death of the woman.

The documentary also included interviews with abortion survivors, further humanizing the unborn and showing both victims of the abortion procedure. After the screening, Louisiana Right to Life and Women of Faith hosted a panel to discuss how the abortion industry often disregards standard healthcare practices. The Panelists were Dr. Angelia Parise, Dr. Sherri Longo MFM, Caroline Jenkins LPC and Louisiana Right to Life Communications Director Sarah Zagorski.

We’re excited for the reception this event received and are looking forward to a year of standing for unborn babies and women in our community. Please continue to check in for upcoming pro-life events and more ways you can be involved in protecting other human beings!