Thank you for attending Bowties for Babies!
Did you know? Your support of Bowties for Babies fuels our Advertise for Life Initiative, which connects women considering abortion with pregnancy and parenting support and changes the hearts and minds of Louisianans through compelling marketing campaigns and advertisements.
Your support also fuels our work at the Capitol, in the classrooms, and in our communities. Since 2006, Louisiana Right to Life has:
We are on the battleground of our culture right now! Abortion advocates want to legalize abortion again. We won’t let that happen! In fact, just last week, we defeated a dangerous Constitutional Amendment that would have legalized abortion for any reason until the moment of birth. We must hold the line for LIFE!
We appreciate your strong support of our pro-life mission. It is vital now more than ever before!
“Louisiana Right to Life has been instrumental in advancing the pro-life message while fighting to protect the lives of the unborn. I am honored to work together with Louisiana Right to Life as we continue this vital crusade in the years ahead.”