Getting Your Church or Group Involved
There are many ways to get your church, ministry, school or group involved in the 40 Days for Life Baton Rouge campaign, but here are a few specific ways below. More details will be coming soon as we get closer to the campaign!
- Uniting in Prayer and Fasting to End Abortion during 40 Days– A cornerstone of 40 Days for Life is the focused prayer and fasting to end abortion during the 40 Days. Here are a few ways to carry this out in your community or church:
- At every church service, event, or everyday in school, say the “Prayer for an End to Abortion” during the 40 days.
- Arrange with campaign team to get 40 Days for Life Prayer Cards and distribute to a congregation or school to foster daily prayer to end abortion. Prayer card information to come.
- Focused Church Prayer Events: Hold an event at your church focused on praying for an end to abortion, such as concerts, sermons, all night prayer vigils, etc.
- Peaceful and Prayerful Vigil- People in your church or ministry signing up for a vigil hour and praying for their first time at the abortion facility may truly awake their hearts to the reality of abortion and encourage them to be active pro-lifers.
- Adopt-a-Day- The main way we suggest your group participate in 40 Days for Life BR is through “adopting” a day at the vigil, meaning your group would be responsible to have 2-3 people present at all 12 hours.
- Adopt-a-Hour- Through working with the campaign team, “adopt” a hour within the 12 hours that your group would be responsible for across the board, meaning that if you chose 3 PM, your group would be responsible for having 2-3 people at the vigil everyday at 3 PM. People could repeat their hours each week.
- Individual hours- If you do not choose to do one of the above (the above are preferable), then go to our vigil sign-up page and sign up for your hour.
- To adopt days and hours you may either:
- Community Outreach– We invite you to participate in and advertise the events the campaign will be organizing. We also encourage you to educate and activate your group in other ways during the 40 days.
Please contact us and sign up for email updates to stay informed on campaign activities that will help you make a maximum impact in your community.