Tomorrow, LIFEMARK will be released in theaters in Louisiana and across America. LIFEMARK was inspired by Louisiana Right to Life’s 2018 documentary, I Lived on Parker Avenue, and features the adoption story of Metairie native David Scotton.
David was adopted as an infant after his birth mother nearly aborted him. During college at LSU, David traveled to Indiana to meet his birth parents for the first time. LifeMark was produced by Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick Brothers. The Scotton family will be available for interviews at the Elmwood Theater showing in Metairie at 7PM.
David Scotton said the following about the film: “It is surreal and the honor of a lifetime to see my adoption story up on the big screen. I know that the courage of my birth mother and dedication of my adoptive family will touch thousands of lives. My hope is that through LIFEMARK more people will recognize that adoption is a beautiful option and should be promoted as an authentic alternative to abortion. In a post-Roe landscape, it is more important than ever for our society to to reclaim the beauty of adoption.”
Media can request interviews by emailing Sarah Zagorski at