

Louisiana Right to Life Investigative Report: The Rampant Abuse of Abortion Pills in Louisiana

New Orleans – In a new investigative report, The Rampant Abuse of Abortion Pills, Louisiana Right to Life reveals that illegal abortion pills are readily available throughout Louisiana, both through dozens of online businesses and individuals selling the pills “on the street.” These pills are being sold without a doctor’s prescription, to minors, in bulk, and to girls far past the 10-week limit from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

In a video, which has since been censored by YouTube as of yesterday morning without warning, Louisiana Right to Life highlights five instances where abortion-pill distributors egregiously violated the law to help girls get the regimen through the mail. YouTube also deleted Louisiana Right to Life’s entire channel.

The report includes the testimony of a pregnancy resource center and physician in Monroe who have first-hand experience of these pills being sold in Monroe. The physician states that since a physician never has a chance to examine a woman for ectopic or molar pregnancies, they can be dangerous to a woman’s health.

The current pattern of abuse of these abortion pills presents a risk to the public health, which resulted in harm being done to Senator Thomas Pressly’s sister.

The elective abortion pill regimen is traditionally comprised of a combination of the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol. The report highlights an incidence where a minor was told she could purchase the regimen at 21-weeks pregnant and was then instructed “bury and dispose” of the body of the deceased baby somewhere private.

Louisiana Right to Life’s report also includes statements from Louisiana Pregnancy Resource Centers and the rationale for Senator Pressly including the regimen on Schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Control Law in Senate Bill 276. 

Sarah Zagorski, the Communications Director for Louisiana Right to Life, said the following about the report:

“Senator Thomas Pressly’s sister was the victim of an awful crime when her former husband poisoned her with an abortion pill. But the fact that a man could get these pills without a prescription is awful in itself. From our report, it is clear that the abortion pill industry is out-of-control in Louisiana. Young girls receive these pills with ease and far past FDA limits. It also shows that distributors will allow anyone to purchase the pills in bulk, possibly into the hands of sex-traffickers or predators of any kind. Louisiana must stop this immediately by passing SB 276 and protect young girls and victims from further abuse.”

Zagorski added, “The targeted censorship by YouTube indicates they have no interest in stopping the rampant abuse of abortion drugs, and that they will go to extreme lengths to shut down pro-life voices. We are urging Youtube to reinstate our page.”

Louisiana Right to Life will have more on Youtube’s censorship on our platforms later today.