

New Pregnancy Center Opening in New Iberia

The Unexpected Pregnancy Center is opening in New Iberia on July 24. The center is located at 117 E. Pershing St. and is a mission of the Mother Teresa Foundation, Inc.

Director Brittany Thomson said the center came about after two men, Lionel Schramm and John Manes, toured a center in Lafayette and decided “New Iberia needs one of these.” The men recruited other pro-lifers and formed a board of directors, a building was donated, and a kick-off banquet was held.

Thomson said: “Local pediatrician and Medical Director of the Board, Dr. Mo Faugot, gave a beautiful speech that night. In it he stated, ‘Some of you out there will be our director and managers, and you don’t even know it yet.’ After much thought and prayers I sent in my resume and was hired at the beginning of March as the executive director.  We have been working tirelessly since then to try to get these doors open in order to honor life and preserve the family.”

During the past several months volunteers have worked hard to renovate the building and make the center a safe, welcoming environment. And the center’s first appointment was on the books weeks before the doors even opened.

The center’s free services include pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, pregnancy counseling, family planning counseling, and limited financial assistance. Volunteers are needed, and donations, both monetary and material, are needed.

Visit the center’s website at or call (337) 321-6298 for more information.