
Louisiana Right to Life Opposes Surrogacy

Louisiana Right to Life believes firmly that every human life, no matter how it is conceived, has a right to their life. We see no reasonable point in the continuum of a human being’s existence where value can arbitrarily be stripped from a person.  In 2013 the State Legislature of Louisiana approved the creation of avenues to facilitate the destruction of young human lives through its approval of gestational surrogacy contracts. Fortunately Governor Bobby Jindal vetoed SB 162 and prevented an additional means of destroying life at its very beginning. By authorizing this statutory scheme, the State would have allowed many couples to go down a dangerous and life-destroying path. Women, particularly those that are young and poor, would have been made vulnerable to exploitation as surrogates.

LARTL recognizes the struggle and pain that couples endure when they are unable to conceive and give birth to children through natural means.  We do not question the worthwhile intention of couples considering gestational surrogacy.  In the midst of that noble desire to become parents, couples may consider hiring a woman (surrogate) to carry a child. Although this idea may seem like a reasonable solution, it sadly starts a process that overlooks the destructive consequences of IVF and the potential for abortion.
Louisiana Right to Life is concerned about the lives sacrificed in order to accomplish the goal of IVF and gestational surrogacy.  The ends cannot justify the means, even if the end is as beautiful as a baby.  Our concern with gestational surrogacy does not deal with the children that are born from surrogate mothers that we see in photos after birth. The child created through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and born through gestational surrogacy is equally as valuable as any other human being.

However, there are many unborn babies that are sacrificed for the sake of the healthy children that are born from surrogacy in addition to the countless embryos that are frozen or destroyed.


Louisiana Right to Life maintains that the governmental regulation of gestational surrogacy will open the door to the destruction of more human embryos and a higher occurrence of abortion in Louisiana. However, we should never create life to destroy it.

To read Governor Jindal’s statement supporting his decision to veto the Louisiana State Legislatures creation of surrogacy contracts click here.

“2009 Clinic Summary Report”. Society for Reproductive Medicine. Retrieved 14 July 2011.