

WATCH: “Wall Breaking” For New Safe Haven Baby Box in Covington

The “wall breaking” for the new Safe Haven Baby Box at the City of Covington Fire Department happened earlier this week! Congratulations to Amy Barkerding who has led the effort to make this happen. Louisiana Right to Life has  been proud to financially support the effort. If you don’t know, a Safe Haven Baby Box…

March is World Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month!

March is World Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month! Did you know that one of the most common developmental disabilities is Down syndrome? And an estimated 67% of babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted in the United States, according to a Systematic Review. The good news is that this is significantly less than previous studies because…

Congrats to St. Tammany Parish Pro-Life Oratory Winners!

Last weekend, St. Tammany Right to Life hosted the Pro-Life Oratory Contest at Pope John Paul High School in Slidell, Louisiana. The pro-life oratory contest takes place every spring across Louisiana and the winners go to the State Pro-Life Oratory Contest at the Knights of Columbus Convention. Students prepare a 5-7 minute speech on a…

NYT Report: Planned Parenthood’s Priority is Abortion

Earlier this month, the New York Times reported that Planned Parenthood is an organization in crisis after surveying their legal documents as well as conducting interviews with over 50 former and present staff members. The Times shocking exposé unleashed many of the enterprise’s secrets but none that were all that surprising. A good synopsis of…

Black Advocates for Life State Director Tara Wicker Reflects on Black History Month

By Louisiana Black Advocates for Life State Director Tara Wicker The fight to protect unborn lives has deep and lasting implications for Black history and our community. Historically, our journey has been marked by resilience, strength, and the unwavering commitment to justice and equality. Today, the pro-life movement within the Black community builds on that…