

Abortion by Fraud Act Passes Senate in Majority Vote

Today, the Abortion by Fraud Criminalization Act (SB 276) passed the Louisiana Senate in a majority vote of 29-7. SB 276 creates the crime of coerced abortion by means of fraud and places the medication on Schedule IV of the Uniform Controlled Substance List. SB 276 does not prohibit the medications to be used in…

Louisiana Right to Life Provides Facts After Biased Reporting on Front Page of State’s Paper, The Advocate

New Orleans – In response to media inquires from local and national press, Louisiana Right to Life is providing answers to questions regarding the amendment that was added to Senate Bill 276, the Abortion by Fraud Criminalization Act. Sen. Pressly was inspired to author SB 276 after his sister was poisoned by abortion-inducing drugs, mifepristone…

Louisiana Right to Life Investigative Report: The Rampant Abuse of Abortion Pills in Louisiana

New Orleans – In a new investigative report, The Rampant Abuse of Abortion Pills, Louisiana Right to Life reveals that illegal abortion pills are readily available throughout Louisiana, both through dozens of online businesses and individuals selling the pills “on the street.” These pills are being sold without a doctor’s prescription, to minors, in bulk, and…

Over 6,000 Diapers Distributed to NOLA Moms

  The Louisiana Right to Life PULSE Teams, led by Youth & College Directors Ashley and Harlee, hosted a Donation Drive and Baby Supply Giveaway for Mother’s Day!  On April 27th, the group collected diapers, wipes, formula, and baby soap at the Louisiana Right to Life office in Lakeview. People from around the community gathered…

Pro-Life Oratory Winner St. Tammany Parish Student!

On Saturday May 4th, 2024, Louisiana Right to Life held the state’s Pro-Life Oratory Contest. It was held in conjunction with the Louisiana Knights of Columbus State Convention in Baton Rouge. High school juniors and seniors competed in their local contests earlier this spring and the first place winners of those regional contests were invited…