Bayou Right to Life
Bayou Right to Life Facts and Events:
- Bayou Right To Life has existed since the late 1970s and has been directed by James J. Hubbell since the early 80s.
- Bayou Right to Life comprises the communities within Assumption Parish and is interdenominational, having members from the various churches in the Parish.
- Bayou Right To Life conducts 3 different life chains at the beginning of October each year.
- In January, BRTL conducts an interdenominational prayer service on the steps of the courthouse to observe the infamous legalized abortion decision.
- BRTL has erected signs along the major highways in Assumption Parish as well as on individual’s private property. BRTL has yard signs available for individuals who wish to display them.
- In cooperation with the local Knights of Columbus Councils, monuments to the unborn have been placed at the five Catholic churches in the Parish. A display of crosses for the cemetery for the aborted unborn is usually placed at the various churches in January.
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