This proved to be one of the best years we’ve ever experienced since it was the first time we have conducted this camp in a post Roe v. Wade Louisiana. The immense joy our staff and students felt at camp was buffered by the fact that abortions are currently still happening in our state and sober reality that our fight continues.
Our camp is the highlight of our year because students are introduced to pro-life topics from professionals in our movement. Topics regarding the right to life as it relates to Euthanasia, third party reproduction, legal defense for life, adoption and foster care, and many more life affirming issues. The goal of our institute is to introduce students to the magnitude of the pro-life cause, train them to speak against abortion in a convicing and clear way, and to connect them with students their own age who will fight along side them for the unborn.
Students learned pro-life apologetics for two days before they were brought to LSU’s campus to have conversations with college students about abortion. The experience was empowering. Some of our students had never had a one-on-one conversation with someone who was for abortion, and afterwards felt like they were capable of defending the right to life clearly and effectively.
Our camp hosted speakers from national organizations like Cherilyn Holloway of “Pro-Black, Pro-Life”, the brother of Terri Schaivo, Bobby Schindler, along with powerful local advocates from Louisiana. Brave post-abortive women were invited to share their stories of trauma and healing and it left a lasting impact, as these testimonies always do.
After our activism day at LSU, students shared their conversations with great enthusiasm. All of our students had calm and productive conversations with pro-choice people that ended peacefully. They faced a lot of opposing views during our visit to LSU but one thing that surprised all the students was how many pro-life college students they met that day. They didn’t realize that college campuses in Louisiana had very vocal and proud pro-life college students.
Louisiana is pro-life, and our movement is healthy and strong among our young people because of the prayers, investment and generous support of those of you who regularly give to our youth programs, like PLI. Thank you and be encouraged, because it’s working!