Shawn Carney, president of 40 Days for Life, will be the featured speaker at this year’s 40 Days for Life New Orleans pre-campaign launch party on Thursday, Aug. 29. We hope you will make plans to attend this inspiring event!
The party will begin at 6:30 p.m. at St. Angela Merici Church. Dinner is free, but it is first come, first served.
Shawn began as a volunteer in the pro-life movement while still in college, and during this time he helped lead the first ever local 40 Days for Life campaign. After graduation, Shawn was asked to serve as the executive director of the Coalition for Life, a local pro-life organization in Texas made up of more than 60 churches. From its beginning, Shawn has been instrumental in growing 40 Days for Life nationally and then internationally.
He was recently portrayed in film “Unplanned” about the life of Abby Johnson.
The party will kick off the 40 Days for Life New Orleans fall campaign, which is Sept. 25 through Nov. 3 at Women’s Health Care Center, 2701 General Pershing St., New Orleans. To learn more about the campaign, click here.
Vigil times are already being scheduled for the campaign. To view the calendar and schedule a time, click here.
For more information on the dinner or 40 Days for Life campaign, contact Sarah Zagorski at