

Huber Named CWA’s Louisiana Director

Laura Huber, the new Louisiana State Director for Concerned Women of America, spoke at a recent press conference in New Orleans organized by Louisiana Right to Life.

Laura Huber, a member of the St. Tammany Right to Life board of directors and a volunteer with Louisiana Right to Life, is the new Louisiana State Director for Concerned Women of America. Laura replaces Sancha Smith, who stepped down earlier this year after 12 years of leadership. The announcement was made last week by Tanya Ditty, vice president of Field Operations for Concerned Women of America.

Laura joined CWA of Louisiana’s leadership team in 2019, serving as state chapter’s records correspondence and co-leader of a prayer/action chapter.

Concerned Women of America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization. The group protects and promotes Biblical values and Constitutional principles through prayer, education, and advocacy. The group focuses on seven core principles: sanctity of life, defense of family, education, religious liberty, national sovereignty, sexual exploitation, and support for Israel.

Laura Huber

Laura, who lives in Abita Springs, works alongside her husband of 31 years, Karl Huber, in their privately-owned business, Graphics Advantage, LLC, a printing and promotional consulting business. The couple have three children and four grandchildren. They attend Lakeshore Church in Covington.

Laura is actively involved with Unashamed Love, an outreach ministry to women in the sex industry, dancers in strip clubs on Bourbon Street, and prostituted women in New Orleans.