

LARTL Launches New Website

It has been 10 years since we launched our first website, and while that site served us well, it was time for a facelift.

We have been working on this site a number of months, and we are excited to share it with you. Our redesigned website includes the information we provided before, but it has a fresher look and feel, with simplified menus and an easier navigation system. The home page offers a look at what’s going on and has quick links to events, donation sites, the store and more!

There are several new features, including a blog, located under the News tab, which is where you have found this story. This section is where we will be updating you regularly with pro-life news, articles, announcements and more.

You can donate to a specific campaign when it’s featured on our homepage. You can click on the Donate button on top of the home page to make general donations.

Here are some other great features:

  • Powerful front graphic about abortion in Louisiana
  • User-friendly “Pregnant? Need Help? Search Area
  • Better education on life issues
  • Social Media integration
  • New Merchandise Store
  • Mobile friendly
  • And much more!

Please use this site, and let us know if you have any recommendations or issues.

– Benjamin Clapper
Executive Director, Louisiana Right to Life