Louisiana Right to Life actively works to defend life in the Louisiana Capitol by passing pro-life legislation and stopping anti-life legislation and amendments. To accomplish this mission, we need pro-life legislators committed to voting for life!
The following table lists Louisiana Right to Life’s 12 scored pro-life votes in the Louisiana Senate during the 2020-2023 Legislative Term. Below the table you will find the scorecard key and the list of scored votes.
Please note:
2020-2023 Senate Scored Votes
- 1. Adoption Tax Deduction Act (2021)
- HB 424; Authored by Rep. Jack McFarland
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Provides state tax deductions to families who adopt an infant privately or through foster care.
- Bill passed and signed by the Governor – Act 378.
- 2. Abortion Pill Reversal Disclosure Act (2021)
- HB 578; Authored by Rep. Beryl Amedée
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Requires that when a physician or agent thereof administers mifepresone (the first abortion pill in the chemical/medical abortion process) to a pregnant woman, he or she shall provide a disclosure statement to her letting her talk to her doctor if she regrets her abortion to see what options might be available to help her continue her pregnancy and save her baby.
- Bill passed and signed by the Governor – Act 483
- 3. Protecting Minors in Abortion Act (2021)
- HB 357; Authored by Rep. Raymond Crews
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Limits the jurisdiction of a judicial bypass (which is an exception required by the Supreme Court to parental consent and allows minors to get abortions through a judge’s determination). This will make the judicial bypass process go through a judge in the minor woman’s civil parish (with some exceptions) instead of having the option to go to the judge in the civil parish where the abortion facility operates. HB 357 also collects important data on minors having abortion after receiving a judicial bypass.
- Bill passed and signed by Governor – Act 482
- 4. Hospital Complication Reporting Act (2021)
- HB 423; Authored by Rep. Julie Emerson
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Requires hospitals to report to the Louisiana Department of Health when they treat a complication from an abortion. This information will provide clear information to courts and the public about the rate of complications from abortions.
- Bill passed and signed by the Governor – Act 425
- 5. Stopping Illegal Sale of Chemical Abortion Act (2022)
- SB 388; Authored by Sen. Sharon Hewitt
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Creates the crime of the illegal sale of chemical abortions, especially when ordered online without medical oversight.
- Act passed and signed by the Governor – Act 548
- 6. SB 104 Amendment #2388 (2022)
- Amendment #2388 to SB 104; Authored by Sen. Beth Mizell
- Senate Vote on Amendment; LARTL Supported
- SB 104 prohibits abortion facilities from denying cell phones to their patients at the abortion facility. Women need access to be able to communicate with their loved ones while waiting for the abortion, especially when they are forced to wait hours at the facility. In this Senate vote, Senator Mizell was stripping a bad amendment from committee that would have gutted the purpose of SB 104 by requiring the facility to have access to a landline but still allowing the facility to deny cell phones to their patients.
- Bill passed without amendment and was signed by the Governor – Act 537
- 7. Reaffirmation of the Human Life Protection Act (2022)
- SB 342; Authored by Sen. Katrina Jackson
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Reaffirms Louisiana’s pro-life law that protects every unborn baby from abortion when Roe v. Wade is overturned.
- Bill passed and signed by the Governor – Act 545
- 8. Adoption Education Expansion Act (2022)
- HB 274; Authored by Rep. Rick Edmonds
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Expands the information required to be provided in adoption awareness instruction for public high school students, including the benefits of adoption to society; the types of adoption available; the difference between foster care and infant adoption; the reasons adoption is preferable to abortion; public and private resources and agencies available to assist in the adoption process; statistical data on abortion, adoption, and childbirth; and public and private resources available for pregnant mothers and parents.
- Act passed and signed by the Governor – Act 456
- 9. Tax Credit for Donations to Maternal Wellness Centers Act (2023)
- SB 41; Authored by Sen. Beth Mizell
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- It is the goal of this legislation to provide incentives through tax credits to entities and individuals to donate to eligible maternal wellness centers that improve the quality of life for Louisiana mothers and families. Maternal wellness centers assist mothers with essential services such as pre-natal and parenting classes, counseling, medical resources, and assistance with material needs. The presence of quality pre-natal and post-natal care and support ensures healthy outcomes for Louisiana mothers and their children.
- Bill passed in the Senate and the House.
- 10. Pregnancy Medical Support Act (2023)
- HB 5; Authored by Rep. Larry Frieman
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Allows a mother of a child to take action against the father of the child to recover fifty percent of documented out-of-pocket pregnancy-related medical expenses. Louisiana Right to Life supports this bill because mothers should receive assistance from fathers while pregnant.
- Bill passed in the House and in the Senate.
- 11. Provides for a Commemorative Certificate of Nonviable Birth (2023)
- HB 457; Authored by Rep. Raymond Crews
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Provides the ability for a citizen to receive a commemorative certificate in the tragic situation of a miscarriage.
- Bill passed in the House and the Senate.
- 12. Adoption Tax Credit Act (2023)
- HB 443; Authored by Rep. Rick Edmonds
- Senate Vote on Final Passage; LARTL Supported
- Establishes a $5,000 refundable individual income tax credit for adopting an unrelated person, whether through private adoption or foster care. Adoption is an important way we can help mothers and babies, and providing this tax credit will help ease the financial challenge presented by adoption.
- Bill passed in the House and the Senate.