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100% Lifetime Pro-Life Voting Record Legislators

As Of June 2023

As of June 2023, of those Louisiana legislators completing the 2020-2023 term, the legislators listed below had a 100% Pro-Life Lifetime Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life.  100% Lifetime Pro-Life Record means that the legislator, whether they have served in the Louisiana House of Representatives, Louisiana Senate, or both, have always voted with Louisiana Right to Life’s position on votes scored by Louisiana Right to Life. Because of that, we have provided them our “100% Lifetime Pro-Life Record” seal.

* Please note that legislators who were absent from scored votes 40% of the time or more are not awarded a 100% record.

See the 2020-2023 House Legislative Scorecard
See the 2020-2023 Senate Legislative Scorecard
Don’t Know Your Legislator?


Senator Mark Abraham
Senator Louie Bernard
Senator Stewart Cathey
Senator Heather Cloud
Senator Patrick Connick
Senator Page Cortez
Senator Michael Fesi
Senator Cameron Henry
Senator Bob Hensgens
Senator Sharon Hewitt
Senator Caleb Kleinpeter
Senator Eddie Lambert
Senator Patrick McMath
Senator Barry Milligan
Senator Robert Mills
Senator Beth Mizell
Senator Jay Morris
Senator Barrow Peacock
Senator Mike Reese
Senator Jeremy Stine
Senator Kirk Talbot
Senator Rick Ward
Senator Bodi White
Senator Glen Womack


Rep. Beryl Amedée
Rep. Tony Bacala
Rep. Larry Bagley
Rep. Beau Beaullieu
Rep. Stuart Bishop
Rep. Ryan Bourriaque
Rep. Rhonda Butler
Rep. Dewith Carrier
Rep. Jean-Paul Coussan
Rep. Raymond Crews
Rep. Daryl Deshotel
Rep. Phillip DeVillier
Rep. Michael Echols
Rep. Rick Edmonds
Rep. Kathy Edmonston
Rep. Julie Emerson
Rep. Les Farnum
Rep. Gabe Firment
Rep. Bryan Fontenot
Rep. Larry Frieman
Rep. Foy Gadberry
Rep. Ray Garofalo
Rep. Brett Geymann
Rep. Jonathan Goudeau
Rep. Lance Harris
Rep. Stephanie Hilferty
Rep. Valarie Hodges
Rep. Paul Hollis
Rep. Dodie Horton
Rep. Mike Huval
Rep. John Illg
Rep. Barry Ivey
Rep. Mike Johnson
Rep. Timothy Kerner
Rep. Sherman Mack
Rep. Tanner Magee
Rep. Danny McCormick
Rep. Jack McFarland
Rep. Scott McKnight
Rep. Wayne McMahen
Rep. Blake Miguez
Rep. Gregory Miller
Rep. Buddy Mincey
Rep. Nicholas Muscarello
Rep. Joseph Orgeron
Rep. Charles Owen
Rep. Bob Owen
Rep. Thomas Pressly
Rep. Neil Riser
Rep. Troy Romero
Rep. Rodney Schamerhorn
Rep. Clay Schexnayder
Rep. Laurie Schlegel
Rep. Alan Seabaugh
Rep. Vinney St. Blanc
Rep. John Stefanski
Rep. Phillip Tarver
Rep. Polly Thomas
Rep. Francis Thompson
Rep. Christopher Turner
Rep. Debbie Villio
Rep. Bill Wheat
Rep. Mark Wright
Rep. Jerome Zeringue

As Of June 2019

As of June 2019, of those Louisiana legislators completing the 2016-2019 term, the legislators listed below had a 100% Pro-Life Lifetime Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life.  100% Lifetime Pro-Life Record means that the legislator, whether they have served in the Louisiana House of Representatives, Louisiana Senate, or both, have always voted with Louisiana Right to Life’s position on votes scored by Louisiana Right to Life. Note that the inclusion in the list below does not guarantee that the legislator still has a 100% Lifetime Pro-Life Record.  Please refer to the list above updated as of June 2023.  However, some legislators who are no longer in office may have completed their service with a 100% Lifetime Record.

Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director of Louisiana Right to Life, said, “While we appreciate those other legislators who have good pro-life voting records, these legislators with a 100% Lifetime record are the cream of the crop.  Their commitment to pro-life issues is unwavering, even on difficult votes.  We thank them for making Louisiana one of the most pro-life states in America.”

* Please note that legislators who were absent from scored votes 40% of the time or more are not awarded a 100% record.

See the 2016-2019 House Legislative Scorecard
See the 2016-2019 Senate Legislative Scorecard
Don’t Know Your Legislator? Use our Interactive Scorecard to Find Your Legislators

