Abortion is the most common surgical procedure in the United States, practiced at a rate of approximately 4,000 times a day. Contrary to the popular belief, though, abortion is not as simple a process as getting a tooth pulled. In fact, it is a very violent process. We encourage you to understand fully how abortions are done. Pleae note that the following descriptions are graphic.
Mifeprex (brand name of RU-486)
For this procedure, a woman must take two powerful synthetic hormones – RU 486 and misoprostol. The technique requires at least three trips to the abortion facility.
In the first trip to the abortion facility, the women will take the RU 486 (mifepristone) pill which blocks disables the uternine lining to provide nutrients to the fetus, thus starving the fetus. In the second visit, typically two days later, the women is given misoprostol to initiate uterine contractions. The women usually expells the dead fetus four hours after taking the pill, and often expels the child at home. The third visit, up to two weeks later, makes sure the abortion has taken place sucessfully. In the 5% to 10% of cases when RU 486 fails to cause a complete abortion, the woman must undergo a surgical abortion.
RU-486, in its short life-span, has significant, well-documented, short-term, dangerous side effects, including prolonged and severe bleeding, nausea, vomiting, pain, and death.
Cannula Tube (magnified tip below)
Suction aspiration abortion accounts for 90% of induced abortions.
A powerful suction/vacuum tube called a cannula is inserted into the womb through the dilated cervix. The cannula dismembers the body of the developing baby and tears the placenta from the uterus, sucking them into a container. Due to the power of the cannula and sensitivity of the uterine wall, great care must be used to prevent the uterus from being punctured during this procedure (which would cause uterine hemorrhage).
Because infection can easily result if any fetal or placental tissue is left behind in the uterus, the uterus must be scraped with a blade called a curette to remove all remaining fetal parts. Abortionists and their assistants will often ideniy body parts in canister of cannula to be sure all was removed.
For a diagram of the Suction procedure, visit Abort73 here.
Curette (spoon shaped blade)
With this technique, the cervix is dilated or stretched to permit insertion of a loop-shaped steel knife (called a curette) in order to scrape the wall of the uterus. This cuts the baby’s body into pieces and cuts the placenta from the uterine wall. Just as in Suction method, the pieces of the child’s body must be removed from the uterus.
Dilation and Evacuation abortions are preformed in the 2nd trimester of a pregnancy, typically when the fetuses bones have become calcified. Because of the calcification, forceps are used instead of the curette to dismember the body of the fetus.
Once the women’s cervix has been dialated, which is a two or three day process requiring two trips to the abortionist, forceps are inserted through the enlarged cervix into the uterus. The forceps are used in the D&E instead of the curette because the calcification of the fetus’s bones. With the forceps, the abortionist twists the limbs and body parts out of the womb, followed by the crushing of skull and removal. As in the D&C, the body parts must be reassembled outside of the mother’s body to be sure all was removed from the womb.
Abort73’s Diagrammed Illustration of D&E
Also known as Dilation and Extraction, this procedure is used to abort babies as early as 20 weeks gestation and as late as before birth. Often, the baby is viable at this point, leading many to term this as infanticide.
Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist reaches into the uterus, grabs the baby’s leg with forceps, and pulls him into the birth canal. The abortionist delivers the baby’s entire body, except for the head. If the head is deliver out of the birth canal, the child is protected by law. However, at this point, the abortionist punctures the back of the baby’s skull with scissors and spreads the tips of the scissors apart to enlarge the wound. A suction catheter is inserted into that wound, and the child’s brains are sucked out. The now-collapsed head is removed from the uterus. This procedure is known to cause the child excruciating pain, even though only momentarily.
The Federal Government has outlawed Partial Birth Abortion in Congress and the ban was upheld in the Gonzales v Carhart Supreme Court decision of 2006.
This abortion procedure, due to its health risks and potential of live birth, is not practiced on a widespread level anymore.
This technique is used after 16 weeks of pregnancy, when enough fluid has accumulated in the amniotic fluid sac surrounding the baby. A needle is inserted through the mother’s abdomen directly into the sac, and a solution of concentrated salt is injected. When the baby inhales, he swallows the salt, thereby poisoning and burning his esophagus, vocal cords, lungs, and other organs. After about an hour, the child dies, and the mother usually labors approximately a day later, delivering a dead, charred, and shriveled baby.