On Saturday, June 10th, Louisiana Right to Life held the second annual Pro-Life Summit, an engaging Conference featuring excellent speakers and hard discussions, with a Pastoral Breakfast, a Baby Supply Drive, and a thorough exhibition of pro-life resources. Over 200 pro-life leaders and ministers gathered at Bethany Church in Baton Rouge to learn how to remain vigilant on pro-life matters, tackle the hard topics in conversation, and continue activism for moms and babies.
At the Love Life Breakfast, Louisiana Black Advocates for Life spearheaded the discussion on how to engage with their church on the upcoming Love Life Sunday, the Sunday following the anniversary of the overturn of Roe v. Wade (which was June 24th). The positive message of adoption and concrete ways to promote adoption in churches was also addressed, as well as the need to engage the youth in the pro-life movement. Breakfast was generously provided by Ralph’s Market!
At the following conference, keynote panelist sessions and breakout sessions discussed: mail-order abortion pills, the question of abortion in the case of rape and “incompatible with life” diagnoses, cultivating youth leadership and a culture of life, creative ways to help women in local communities, addressing the healthcare misconceptions magnified by the media, how to have effective pro-life conversations, engaging the issue in grassroots lobbying and law, and encouragement to continue persevering in pro-life activism.
During the lunch hours, a team of volunteers led a baby supply drive where about 400 cars of moms were served supplies including formula, diapers, wipes, cream, and soap. Conference attendees were able to witness a supply giveaway in action and attend a breakout session that explained how to organize one. Some grandmothers who were in the supply line were so moved that they parked their cars to help the distribution continue.
Our exhibition area featured our updated College Exhibit, which travels to college campuses and other events all over Louisiana to spark discussions in order to change minds and hearts among the most pro-abortion crowds in our state. The exhibition tables had thorough information on help for moms, opportunities for youth involvement, educational resources on abortion and many surrounding issues, and materials to proudly display the pro-life message such as buttons, stickers, posters, bumper magnets, t-shirts, and more. Other exhibitor table hosts included the Life of a Single Mom, Louisiana Black Advocates for Life, and Mary’s Hands Volunteer Doula Network.
We are incredibly grateful to Bethany Church for graciously hosting our event, as well as the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge and Baton Rouge Right to Life for thoroughly promoting the Pro-Life Summit. We are thankful for the support of the Louisiana Family Forum as well as all of the sponsors of the event currently listed at theProLifeSummit.com, particularly to the conference’s Presenting Sponsor, the Life of a Single Mom. Thank you to St. Isadore Knights of Columbus for providing lunch, and to ALL OUR ATTENDEES who sacrificed their Saturday to advocate for life!