St Tammany Right to Life is currently taking applications for the St. Tammany Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award, a one-time, $500 scholarship for a graduating senior (in May) who lives in St. Tammany Parish and attends a St. Tammany high school or is home schooled. Applications must be postmarked by March 30.
Our goal is to encourage and support the growth of a student for life into a young adult for life as they enter into the world outside our parish. The future of our nation’s Pro-Life movement is in their hands, and we must do all we can to help them on their way.
The student must be able to demonstrate that they are a pro-life advocate in St. Tammany Parish and with Louisiana Right to Life. Participation in the annual Life Chain event, Pro-Life Oratory contest, PULSE Immersion Weekends sponsored by LARTL, pro-life clubs at school or in the community, volunteer time and support for local crisis pregnancy centers, and local, state, or national March for Life walks are examples of how we will measure a student for this award. Other examples may be found on the LARTL website under the Youth-College tab for a student that is identified as a Student for Life.
You can download the form by clicking the link below or email for more information.