

States at Risk for Enshrining the Right to Abortion

State’s across the country are attempting to pass constitutional amendments that would enshrine abortion in their state’s constitution. Louisiana avoided this predicament by passing the Love Life Amendment in 2020. Thankfully, it passed in Louisiana by an overwhelming 63% margin. However, an onslaught of other states are now facing this dilemma, and in the last few years Kansas and Ohio have been successful at approving these at the ballot box.

Thankfully, it looks like our neighboring state of Arkansas was able to avoid having it on their ballot in November, but there’s no doubt we will continue to see attempts there and elsewhere as the media continues to lie and use fear-mongering to scare citizens into voting for abortion-on-demand.

Use the links below to learn how you can help our friends in Florida and elsewhere:

We have also set up an Action Team sign up for those who want to help!