By Amanda Davidson, Youth Programs Co-Director
It is inspiring to see young people passionate about standing up for LIFE!
We had 25 high school and college students from Louisiana and neighboring states gather in Baton Rouge for our 2021 PULSE Leadership Institute (PLI) in July. PLI’s theme this year was Pro-Life is REEL Life, which encouraged students to view the pro-life movement in a new and real way while incorporating pro-life themes from beloved family movies.
PLI equips students with the knowledge to go forth and be well informed and compassionate pro-life leaders in their communities. This year’s five-day overnight camp dove into topics including, but beyond abortion, like foster care, adoption, euthanasia, medial ethics, pro-life politics, disability discrimination, and more.
Students were able to enjoy the week listening to national and local speakers on these various pro-life topics and then apply this knowledge through PLI’s many hands-on field trips. Students were able to visit Woman’s New Life Clinic, LSU’s campus, and testify at the Louisiana State Capitol.
Visiting Woman’s New Life Clinic gave students a look into the immediate need for women’s resources and alternatives to abortion; students also had the opportunity to view a live ultrasound of an 11-week-old preborn baby. Students’ engagement on LSU’s campus led to many fruitful discussions about human rights and abortion with the university’s students and faculty members. Finally, students gave powerful pro-life testimonies in a mock committee hearing at the Louisiana State Capitol in front of their peers, PULSE staff, and State Rep. Beryl Amedee. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry met with students at lunch and shared his strong support of preborn lives!
Students also relaxed and enjoyed various traditional PLI activities like our unique Game of Games, our famous Coffee House talent show, bowling, and more!
The week ended in the closing Commissioning Ceremony where students shared their hopes and ideas of activism projects they wanted to bring into their communities. Students also shared their favorite moments from PLI and how they cherished their new friendships.
PULSE Leadership Institute 2021 was an incredible week. PLI is only the beginning for students; they will continue to grow in their role as pro-life leaders as they join local PULSE teams and confidently defend life in their schools, churches, and local communities. We look forward to seeing both old and new faces at future PULSE events!