

Thanks Dr. Kathy Allen! Welcome Leslie Ellison as Advisor!


Greetings from the Louisiana Black Advocates for Life team! We’ve been busy this year standing up for life from the womb to the tomb. We are grateful for the many people around the state who are standing up with us and speaking out for justice for the born and unborn in our communities!

Thank You, Dr. Kathy!

At the end of 2021, Kathy Allen, Ph.D., our State Director for Black Advocates for Life, will be departing our Black Advocates for Life staff to pursue other opportunities. Louisiana Black Advocates for Life and Louisiana Right to Life are so thankful for Dr. Allen’s service to babies, mothers, and the entire pro-life cause! Her efforts have raised awareness of the high-rate of abortion in the black community across Louisiana. From Dr. Allen:

Dear Friends,

It has been a great honor to serve as State Director of Black Advocates for Life for the past seven years, as a voice for the born and unborn in the Black community. I have done my very best to be an authentic representative of the issues that matter for Black pro-life advocacy. The new year will bring new, exciting projects for me as I conclude my work with Black Advocates and move forward into more expansive social justice advocacy.

It has been a great pleasure to work with all of you and to see the enthusiasm and talent you bring to pro-life ministry. I deeply appreciate the support that has been extended to me from people in every corner of the great state of Louisiana and beyond our borders! I remain in solidarity with all people in our state who wish to see a diverse pro-life movement that incorporates the perspective and talents of our people.

Merry Christmas, and Many Blessings in the New Year!
Kathy Allen, Ph.D.

Welcome, Leslie Ellison!

Louisiana Black Advocates for Life and Louisiana Right to Life are pleased to add Leslie Ellison to our Board of Directors and as Advisor to Black Advocates for Life. Leslie served on the Orleans Parish School Board from 2012 to 2020 and is a leader in the Algiers community of New Orleans. Leslie was elected to serve on the Orleans Parish Democratic Executive Committee in 2016 and reelected in 2020. She is a longtime member of Gideon Christian Fellowship International. Leslie has been a dedicated pro-life advocate for many years and is passionate about expanding pro-life outreach in the black community.

Help Us Honor Sen. Katrina Jackson…

Louisiana Black Advocates for Life, together with Louisiana Right to Life, is excited to honor one of our heroes, Louisiana State Sen. Katrina Jackson (D-Monroe), with the 2022 Proudly Pro-Life Award! The award will be presented to Sen. Jackson at the Proudly Pro-Life Gala on Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022.

Sen. Jackson is a strong pro-life advocate, both in our State Legislature and around the United States. She has been a steadfast defender of born and unborn life, and we are grateful for her voice in our community.

Before being elected to the Senate, she was a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives from 2012-20. During her time in the House she fought side by side with Louisiana Right to Life on several bills, including the 2014 Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, which passed both Houses overwhelmingly but was tied up in federal court before finally reaching the U.S. Supreme Court in 2019. The Court ruled against the constitutionality of the Louisiana law in 2020. Jackson was author of that bill.

In 2019 then Rep. Jackson authored another bill that would become the Love Life Constitutional Amendment, which was put on the Louisiana ballot in 2020. This amendment to the Louisiana Constitution received more votes than any candidate or ballot measure in Louisiana history, and Sen. Jackson was a huge part of its success. Not only did she author the bill and see that it was placed on the ballot, she promoted it throughout the state prior to the election.

We would love to have a wonderful turnout from friends of Louisiana Black Advocates for Life! We cordially invite you to become a life-saving patron for the gala or purchase individual tickets and show your support of Sen. Jackson. There are numerous patron levels available, and contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Click here to see patron levels, register, and learn more!

Attend a Life March Near You…

In 2022, Louisiana will march “Together for Life” as we advance closer towards an abortion-free Louisiana and a more pro-life America! As the Supreme Court reconsiders the unjust decision of Roe v. Wade, we must march united in defense of every precious unborn baby with a strong commitment to support moms, both now and in a post-Roe Louisiana. Please join us and spread the word as we march together for life!

Visit to learn about all the Life March events!

Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022: Life March Southwest, Lake Charles
Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022: Life March South, Baton Rouge
Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022: Life March Northwest, Shreveport-Bossier
Sunday, Jan. 23, 2022: Life March Northeast, West Monroe-Monroe
Saturday, Feb. 5, 2022: Life March Cenla, Pineville-Alexandria

Local life marches are also planned in various communities around the state. Click here to learn more.