By Kandace Landreneau, College Director
Louisiana Right to Life’s “They’re Human Too” Exhibit is loaded up and ready to hit nine college campuses and two of our pro-life PULSE camps before the end of April! Tour dates and locations are listed below. We will be on each campus from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tour Schedule:
Louisiana Right to Life has partnered with college pro-life groups to fight the disinformation surrounding the issue of abortion. More and more we see efforts to dehumanize the preborn and glorify abortion as a liberating choice for women. But when we show students what abortion does to defenseless and innocent human beings, these pro-abortion efforts are thwarted.
We plan to expose the lie that the preborn is not human by showing college students the biological evidence of their humanity and demand that they deserve the same basic human rights enjoyed by all born people. We also are doing everything in our power to offer hope and help to students who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy. There is help, there is hope, and they deserve every effort on our part to receive that support! Women deserve better than abortion!
Last semester we took the expo to four campuses, and the response from students was remarkable. One student claimed to be pro-choice, but after walking through our expo said, “I’ve always thought that morality was subjective, that it’s different for everyone. But some things are just wrong, and abortion is one of them.”
Multiple students said they had never known what abortion actually does to the preborn, and they were shocked to see the images we showed of abortion procedures from medical textbooks. We strive to let the images speak for themselves, and we’ve done our best to present the pro-life message in a way students have never seen before. Dozens of students encouraged us to get this expo to every campus, as many times as possible, because they saw how effective it is with their student body.
When pro-choice students are confronted with the truth about what abortion actually is, the only have three responses. They can either continue to defend it, become apathetic, or change their mind. We’re hoping and praying for the latter. We ask you to join us in our collective effort in bringing this expo across Louisiana will change hearts and minds and save lives. We need your support and appreciate you joining us in helping get this expo to every college campus in Louisiana over the next year.
We invite the public to come to a campus near you to see our expo. Please abide by the campuses COVID-19 regulations as we support them in their work to keep everyone safe. We also encourage high schools to organize with the universities to create field trips to see the expo while we’re on campus. We guarantee students will be inspired by seeing the pro-life message presented in this larger than life way. Lastly, we ask for your prayers and help in spreading the expo on social media. Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do for the most vulnerable among us.