New Orleans and Louisiana Right to Life distributed nearly 15,000 diapers, 14,000 baby wipes, and thousands of other baby supplies to New Orleans area mothers in need during a giveaway event Friday and Saturday mornings. The NOLA To-Go Baby Bag giveaway was held in response to the many pleas for help from area moms having trouble both finding and being able to afford diapers, formula and other necessities during the COVID-19 crisis.
Cars lined up well before the 10 a.m. start time outside the giveaway location at 200 Robert E. Lee Blvd. on both mornings. Friday, within 27 minutes, 200 NOLA To-Go Baby Bags had been given away. Saturday morning vehicles were wrapped around the neighboring streets of Wuerpel, Conrad and Catina, and within an hour another 250 bags had been given away.
“We are committed to doing what we can to meet the needs of mothers and babies in New Orleans,” said New Orleans Director Sarah Zagorski. “The demand for help is overwhelming. It is heartbreaking to see some many people in dire need, and it is also beautiful to see the pro-life people of Louisiana generously respond.”
Click here to view photos from the event.