

We Need Your Help to Pass the Love Life Amendment!

The Love Life Vote Yes Amendment serves as the final piece of the puzzle to ensure that Louisiana protects unborn babies from abortion the minute Roe v. Wade is reversed. It makes sure there is no right to abortion or the taxpayer funding of abortion in our state. 13 other states have already “found” a right to abortion in their constitutions, allowing their state Supreme Courts to strike down pro-life laws. We can’t let that happen here!

The amendment will be on the ballot on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020 at the same time as the Presidential election, and we will need a majority vote to pass the amendment. Pro-abortion groups have already publicly stated they will fight against the amendment.

Yet, 70 percent of Louisianians are pro-life – so it should be EASY to pass the Love Life Constitutional Amendment on Nov. 3, 2020! We must make sure that all our pro-life people are aware and show up to vote all over the state. Dedicated volunteers are necessary to make this happen.

Let us know if you want to be a part of this grand campaign. You can sign up to volunteer at

Click Here to Volunteer

We need team captains and members to be local resources for the campaign in each parish of Louisiana. We need people to show up for town halls, rallies, door-to-door campaigning, phone banking, and sign-waving events. We need you to bring the Love Life Amendment discussion and promotional material to your community meetings and gatherings.

Here are some action steps you can take:

  • Become a team captain or team member and help build a Love Life Vote Yes campaign in your area that will turn out pro-life voters on Nov. 3, 2020.
  • Be on our volunteer list to know when and where to participate in town halls, rallies, door-to-door campaigning, phone-banking, and sign-waving events.
  • Support the campaign with a $20 donation.
  • Like and share the Love Life Vote Yes information on social media @LoveLifeVoteYes
  • Host a Love Life Vote Yes speaker or promotional table at your local community meeting with Knights of Columbus, Rotary Club, school or church – related group, etc.
  • Ask us for flyers and promotional materials to spread awareness.
  • Visit for more information.