LARTL, Others Celebrate Fathers on NOLA Billboards
No one can take the place of a father – in the household, in the family, in the community, and in the church. The presence of a father provides children with an important and unique source of emotional support and a critically necessary example of spiritual and practical male leadership, which can potentially influence a…
Baby Photos Needed for 2019 Right to Life Calendar
Every year, Louisiana and New Orleans Right to Life produce a “Right to Life Calendar” chock full of babies showcasing the beauty of life. We are nearing the deadline for for the 2019 Right to Life Calendar, and we are accepting baby photos for possible inclusion. Can you help? Are you willing to share a baby…
Gallup Poll: 53% of Americans Want All or Most Abortions Made Illegal
By Steven Ertelt, Gallup has released new National polling data on the issue of abortion, and the results are generally unchanged from the findings of previous years. Typically the Gallup poll has found in majority of Americans oppose all or most abortions even though some Americans who technically take a pro-life position opposing abortion…
PLI is Less Than a Week Away!
Register TODAY for the 2018 PULSE Leadership Institute, set for June 18-22 in Baton Rouge at the Robert E. Tracy Center! Cost is $219 per student. PULSE Leadership Institute will be an exciting week for high school and college students to dive into the pro-life cause. Sessions go beyond abortion into adoption, euthanasia, physician assisted…
St. Tammany Right to Life Awards Scholarships
St. Tammany Right to Life presented its first pro-life youth scholarships recently to two St. Tammany Parish high school graduates. Joseph Kelley, a recent graduate of Pope John Paul High School, received a $500 scholarship and crystal flame statue as an outstanding pro-life youth leader. Emily Doucet of Covington, a homeschool graduate, received a $250…