Acadiana Life Fest is Tomorrow!

We look forward to seeing you at Acadiana Life Fest THIS SATURDAY at Parc International in Lafayette. Please attend and help support local pregnancy centers and Acadiana moms and babies! You can still register online for the 5K, which begins at 8 a.m., or you can register Saturday morning beginning at 7 a.m. at the…

Join Us at ‘Watching Party’ Saturday in Pearl River

Watching Party Saturday, April 21 | 6 p.m. Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church Please join St. Tammany Right to Life and Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church for a special showing of the adoption documentary film I Lived on Parker Avenue Saturday at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall at Sts. Peter & Paul…

Art Will Come Alive at Bowties for Babies!

Stephanie Torregrossa, an accomplished live artist local to Baton Rouge, will create a large, Louisiana-inspired masterpiece during next Tuesday’s Bowties for Babies: A Southern Style Soiree for Life, and those who attend will have a chance to watch the painting come to life and, at the end of the evening, take it home. The painting…

Luminary Spring 2018

To stay up to speed between issues of The Luminary, be sure you are receiving our bi-monthly e-newsletters. Contact us today to sign up!

House vs. Senate at Bowties for Babies!

Which chamber of the Louisiana Legislature knows our state the best? We will find out at the first House vs. Senate “Family Feud” face-off during Bowties for Babies: A Southern Style Soiree for Life, just a week away at the Capitol Park Museum in Baton Rouge. Senators Ryan Gatti, Beth Mizell, and Mike Walsworth will…