PULSE Baton Rouge a Huge Success!
Nearly 60 high school and college students from Louisiana gathered at Camp Istrouma in Baton Rouge over the weekend to learn more about becoming pro-life leaders in their schools and communities. Students and leaders discussed the issues of abortion, women’s resources, pro-life persuasion training, legislation, activism at Homeschool, High School and College campuses, and a…
LARTL Launches New Website
It has been 10 years since we launched our first website, and while that site served us well, it was time for a facelift. We have been working on this site a number of months, and we are excited to share it with you. Our redesigned website includes the information we provided before, but it…
St. Tammany RTL Holds Pro-Life Walk
About 200 people, including many children, came out to enjoy the beautiful weather and participate in St. Tammany Right to Life’s Pro-Life Walk on Feb. 18 in Slidell.
‘I Lived on Parker Avenue’ Release Getting Closer
By Benjamin Clapper, Producer and LARTL Executive Director About seven years ago, a young high school student gathered the courage to share his own life story with the toughest critics of all – his fellow students at his high school. Like any teenager, his thoughts were centered on an obvious question: What would my friends…
Join Us at Bowties for Babies as We Honor a True Adoption Leader
Will you join us at the sixth annual Bowties for Babies: A Southern Soiree for Life? April 17, 2018 | 6:30-9:30 p.m. Capitol Park Museum Baton Rouge This reception style event will feature live music by the Big Easy Jazz Band, delicious food, and a silent auction. It will also be a time to honor…