Legislative Scorecard



Pro-Life Legislative Scorecard Lookup

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The Louisiana Right to Life Legislative Scorecard tracks the voting of Louisiana legislators on important life issues. Use the form above to see how your legislator voted, and use the links below to access more details about the voting records of your State Senator and State Representative!

2020-2023 House of Representatives Legislative Scorecard

Use the 2020-2023 House of Representatives Legislative Scorecard to see your State Representative’s voting record as of the conclusion of the 2023 Legislative Session.

2020-2023 Senate Legislative Scorecard

Use the 2020-2023 Senate Legislative Scorecard to see your State Senator’s voting record as of the conclusion of the 2023 Legislative Session.

 100% Lifetime Pro-Life Legislators (As of June 2023)

See our list of legislators with a 100% Lifetime Pro-Life Voting Record as of the conclusion of the 2023 Legislative Session.

2020-2023 100% Life Advocates

See our list of legislators with a 100% Pro-Life Voting Record during the 2020-2023 Legislative Term.

Past Legislative Scorecards

See past legislative scorecards from 2004 through the present.