Today, Speaker of the House of the United States Mike Johnson addressed the March for Life in Washington D.C. Speaker Johnson shared his personal testimony of being the result of a teenage pregnancy and the thankfulness he has that his parents choose life. He reminded the attendees that every single person has inestimable dignity and value, regardless of size, color of their skin, or any attribute.
Speaker Johnson said, “This is a critical time to support all moms who are facing unplanned pregnancies, work with foster children, and help families who are adopting, to volunteer and assist our vital pregnancy resource centers and our maternity homes and to reach out a renewed hand of compassion and speak the truth in love.”
He also highlighted the work he’s doing in Congress to support women through quality healthcare for women and their unborn children. Speaker Johnson said, “This week in Congress, you’ll be encouraged to know that the House passed the The Pregnant Students’ Rights Act because being pregnant while finishing your degree can be really difficult, but women should not be presented with a false choice of being a mom or being a student.”
He added, “We also passed the Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Women and Families Act.” This legislation stops the Biden Administration from stripping TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) funding from pregnancy resource centers as they are attempting to do.”