

‘Viable’ Available for Viewing Through June 10

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Mother’s Day, National Right to Life brought to viewers across the country Viable: The Truth in One Act. Viable is the moving story of a mother, Judy, who has been weighted down with guilt, sorrow, and self-condemnation because of a choice she made 30 years ago.

Now through June 10, National Right to Life, in cooperation with Christian Creative Media and, is making the play available for repeated viewing for a one-time donation of $19.95. Viewers can watch the play, by visiting

Click Here to Watch Play

A recent viewer commented,

“Thanks for being creative enough to find another way to share this message [….] Viable was every bit as excellent and touching as I anticipated, based on the promotions and testimonials. It is a marvelous reminder of God’s love, forgiveness, and redemption for whatever burdens people may carry. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!”

“There are millions who need to see this story and we are so pleased to bring this opportunity to the public,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “We want this to be a way for women, men, and families to find hope and healing.”

Viable was written by Dr. John Hoover, a former writer of live shows for the Disneyland Entertainment Division, and a New York Times bestselling author. Dr. Hoover was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this play to meet a special need for times such as these.

“We thank Dr. Hoover for his work on this sensitive issue, and we thank the cast for their dedication in presenting this story for the world to see,” said Tobias.

The presentation also includes information for those facing the uncertainty of an unexpected pregnancy or for women who are seeking healing after an abortion. Visit for more information.