

Thanks Dr. Kathy Allen! Welcome Leslie Ellison as Advisor!

DECEMBER ADVOCATE UPDATE FROM LA BLACK ADVOCATES FOR LIFE! Greetings from the Louisiana Black Advocates for Life team! We’ve been busy this year standing up for life from the womb to the tomb. We are grateful for the many people around the state who are standing up with us and speaking out for justice for…

Thank You for Your Support in 2021; Help Us Make Louisiana Abortion-Free in 2022 With a Year-End Gift

Did you know that federal law allows more deductible giving in 2021? If you itemize your deductions, the CARES Act will permit tax-deductible charitable giving in 2021 up to 100% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Why send Congress more tax dollars than you need to? Consult your financial advisor for full details. Make Your…

Like a Child at Christmas, We Anxiously Await Supreme Court Decision

By Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director Do you remember that feeling as a child when you thought Christmas would never come? You waited and waited, but still it seemed like it wasn’t getting any closer. Do you remember wondering what would be under the tree on Christmas morning when Christmas did finally come? With the conclusion…

We Are Ready for An Abortion-Free Louisiana!

By Benjamin Clapper, Executive Director While it’s difficult to read the tea leaves, the Supreme Court has given us reason to be excited that the Supreme Court is considering a decision that will allow Louisiana to protect more babies from abortion. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, which we hope is the outcome,…

LARTL Reacts to Supreme Court Decision to Allow Texas Law to Remain in Effect

NEW ORLEANS – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Texas abortion providers can sue over the state’s ban on most abortions, but the justices did not issue a stay and allowed the law to remain in effect. The Texas heartbeat law makes abortion illegal once a heartbeat is detected. It has been in place…