Nearly 200 people gathered together last Thursday to launch the 2019 40 Days for Life New Orleans campaign and heard from guest speaker Shawn Carney, the president and co-founder of 40 Days for Life.
The 40 Days for Life fall campaign is Sept. 25 through Nov. 3 and will be held outside the abortion clinic at 2701 General Pershing St., New Orleans.
Carney told those in attendance the following about the mission of 40 Days for Life: “40 Days for Life is nothing more than a simple invitation that you can do something. You are not helpless, that we are not helpless. We don’t have to wait for Washington, D.C. to correct a moral crisis that demands our urgency every day, that demands a response every day. Every abortion is a tragedy, and every abortion is unimaginal to any reasonable person.”
Carney, from the Houston area, was featured in the movie Unplanned, a pro-life film about the converstion of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson.
The day Abby decided to quit working for the abortion giant is the day she walked into Carney’s office seeking help, and now more than 190 abortion workers have left the industry because of the faithful prayers and outreach of pro-life people. Carney reminded the audience that peaceful pro-life advocacy through 40 Days for Life can save lives. Speaking about his encounters with Abby, he said, “It was obvious her conscience was bothering her, and we have to trust that (when were out on the sidewalks).”
He closed by reminding the audience that women seeking abortions do not want to be there, and we have the opportunity to show up for them.
“Nobody grows up to wanting to work at an abortion clinic. Nobody grows up wanting to have an abortion. No boyfriend dreams of driving his girlfirend to an abortion faciltiy. On the other side of the fence, no one wants to be there. The only people that actually want to be there (helping these women) are you,” he said.
Please sign up for vigil hours here or to be a 40 Days for Life ambassador by emailing