

Will You Volunteer with Louisiana Right to Life?

Are you looking to do something tangible in the pro-life movement? Louisiana Right to Life is looking for volunteers all over the state!

The pro-life message is spreading around the state due, in large part, to the help of our volunteers. Our amazing and dedicated volunteers have been such a huge part of Louisiana’s pro-life successes. So, come join the LARTL family and sign up today!

Here are just a few examples of things we need help with:

  • Help with planning diaper drives across the state
  • Join the closest Right to Life Chapter (or start one in your area!) (Click here to see the list of chapters around the state)
  • Help with events in your area
  • Help in our office with such things as mailings or create pro-life buttons
  • Help with promoting the pro-life documentary about adoption, I lived on Parker Avenue. We want to get a copy to every high school in America!

If you’d like to join our volunteer list, please click here. For more information, contact Alex Seghers at